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Comprise SDK

Your tool for creating voice-based, multilingual and highly private applications

Are you a developer? Thanks to the COMPRISE SDK, you can now create multilingual, voice-enabled applications in a faster, cost-effective, and privacy-driven way. The SDK is made for Smartphone applications developed with the Ionic framework, with Angular in an up-to-date Version as foundation. It consists of:


The COMPRISE App Wizard

... which helps you do all necessary configuration in a quick and easy way.

The COMPRISE Client Library

... which can be deployed on any Android or iOS device and is the interface to the personal server. The personal server integrated all required voice functionalities together with Machine Translation.

The COMPRISE Personal Server

... which allows the execution of large related services outside the Smartphone, while still preserving privacy.Currently the personal server contains all voice functionalities.


More Details

App Wizard

The COMPRISE App Wizard is the helper-tool for developer to configure the COMPRISE SDK for a personal application. Within this UI one can choose the different features, e.g. Speech-to-Text (STT), Spoken Language Understanding (SLU), Dialog Management (DM), Spoken Language Generation (SLG) and Text-to-Speech (TTS), from the operating branch of Client Libraries to integrate them. Additionally the different models for SST, TTS and NLU can be selected and the installation of the Client Library can be managed. At the end the connection to the personal server can be configured. Click here to get more information.

Client Library

The COMPRISE Client Libraries contain multiple functionalities to ensure voice-enabled, multi-lingual, and privacy-aware applications. They are grouped into operation and training branch. The components from the training branch are automatically integrated whereas the functionalities from the operation branch can be selected however the developer likes. Click here to get more information.

Personal Server

The COMPRISE Personal Server you, as a developer, to create a COMPRISE Personal Server on your device for you application. The personal server can also be created by the user on their personal server. So, for the data processing no real server is needed. The Personal Server is needed to proceed all services for your application. With this we can save the storage of the user’s smartphone and we have lesser dependency to the performance of the phone. This personal server communicates with the application via pagekite. If you want to setup a complete server for your application, you also can connect the application via IP. You can choose the type of connection in the App Wizard. Click here to get more information.





Voice enabled

Benefits for everybody

1For app developers

Don’t waste time implementing native solutions. The COMPRISE SDK provides a single codebase, which can be deployed on multiple operating systems. It can be used in most of the mobile Android or iOS application for the voice-enabled market. You can expand your customer base to a wider range of countries around the world. Thanks to integrated Machine Translation, your applications speak multiple languages at little extra cost. You’re not a voice expert? The COMPRISE App Wizard provides an intuitive interface designed for you to quickly deploy the relevant Client Library components and configure them for your application. The SDK itself is open source: you can customise and extend it to further match your needs over time.

2For app users

Users receive an unprecedented level of privacy protection. Unlike existing Cloud-based frameworks, the functionalities provided by the COMPRISE Client Library run on device or on a Personal Server, and privacy-driven Voice and Text Transformations are applied to any voice data being collected for development purposes. This prevents third parties from accessing the users personal information. So the users' data will be highly secured.

Sample App Comprise

Look at our example

To get a better feeling about the possibilities and the usage of the COMPRISE SDK you can have a look at our sample application. It demonstrates the COMPRISE functionality.

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Get In Touch

COMPRISE SDK is a result from the H2020 project COMPRISE. Please contact us if you are interested in using it or if you have any questions.

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